Headquarters: Institute for Social and Cultural Studies
Iran, Tehran: No. 124, Shahid Momen Nejad St. (1st Golestan), Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1666914711.
Tel: +98 21 225 70 777
Telefax: +98 21 225 70 722
E-mail: infoiscs.ac.ir
Instagram: Instagram.com/iscs.ac.ir
Building #2 The Secretariat of Farabi International Festival
Iran, Tehran: No. 124, Shahid Momen Nejad St. (1st Golestan), Pasdaran Ave.
Tel: +98 (0)21 88499704
Office of the Director +98 21 22570547
Public Relations and International Affairs +98 (0)21 22570777 Extension: 224
Secretariat of Farabi International Award +98 (0)21 88911936